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Since childhood, we've been passionate about cultivating the land where we were born.
That's what we do: grow quality crops in the high mountains.
We're Occitans: hemp was grown here even before trains and cars. That's why our hemp is "CHANVRE d'OC": D'OC means, in the ancient language, coming from Occitania, i.e. from the lands of the Alps where the Lingua d'Oc was born.
Our CHANVRE is called ALTECIME , because it was born at high altitude, over 1000 meters above sea level in the Alta Val Susa. Here, we take care of our plants to get the most out of the flower.
It's impossible to explain what high altitude-grown CHANCER means: as with many other things that grow in the mountains, you can already tell by the smell that everything is different and more intense.
We leave everything to the mountains, and put in the work, the care and the passion: we grow hemp in a totally natural way, because we don't want to harvest everything, not even a lot, but the best.
We love the challenge of growing crops while respecting the mountains: the Val Susa soils reward us with an extraordinary harvest, full of beautiful, fragrant flowers.