Le Mas-d'Azil
43.0794579, 1.3613197
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Kokopelli is a mythological character from the Americas. It is a universal symbol of fertility and Life.
Depicted as a hunchbacked flute player (his hump is actually a bag of seeds), he relentlessly sows seeds of Life, connecting the song of the stars to the Earth with his large antennae, and fertilizing the soil with his music.
Kokopelli is also a mischievous, teasing, even mischievous character, and along the way he also sows the seeds of a fertile revolution in the service of Mother Earth.
Kokopelli is also a warrior character - in the noble sense of the word - and its antennae constantly pick up on the flows emanating from ecological and social struggles. To the sound of its music, masks fall and the criminal peddlers of death redouble their malevolence, in a last desperate dash, in a vain attempt to drag humanity into their inescapable downfall.
But Kokopelli, the sower of Life, is preparing for the future - a fertile future in co-evolution with Nature and all those who live in it...
Today, at the foot of the Pyrenees in Ariège, a team of nearly 50 permanent employees and 25 seasonal workers are at the service of Life. The values and skills of each member of the team are unified - to guarantee quality seeds and meet the needs of those in search of autonomy and meaning.